Friday, September 5, 2008

Ducky Friday!

~Duck at my Aunt Peg's ranch

Ducky: very good or excellent * Everything is just ducky!

Why are Friday's ducky? When I was working, I knew that at 5PM I could bust out of my confines and be free for 48 hours. Barry and I could eat, sleep, shop, watch vids, travel, get the point. Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, Friday's are still wonderful. I know that at 5PM Barry will be home and can share in the care of Avery, I can sleep in on Saturday while Barry only brings her to me to eat. I can be out and about for more than an hour because Barry is there to help me if Avery has a bad moment. I can visit the grocery store alone or get my hair done. All wonderful treats. I love Friday.

You've been wondering about the picture above....I've seen blogs that have recurring features. Wordless Wednesday or Thankful Thursday. If you know me at all, you know that these are way too lame for me. I needed to create my own "feature." So Ducky Friday was born.

A few Christmas' ago, Barry and I donated chickens and ducks in our families name to Heifer International. So, we bought cheap duck and chicken stuffed animals and tied a little note to them. It started with my brother Nick giving the duck creepy, life-like movements...peeking over the couch or over your shoulder. My Dad then took it a step more and now keeps Duck with him at all times. I got my sense of humor from Dad of course. So from now on, you will get to accompany Duck on his many adventures, one picture at a time, every Friday (vacations and holidays excluded).

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Loving the ducky Friday!!