Monday, January 12, 2009


It seems that Barry and I are doomed to sickness these days. I was sick in Amarillo over Christmas and really hadn't recovered fully when Barry got sick last week with something a little different. And now it seems that I've got his version now. So that's about 3 weeks of sick! BOO! Avery seems to be fine for now and mama still can't put the camera down....even while she's sick.

This is how we get some Vitamin D in the winter.
Open the front door and hang out in the entry way.

She loves her new jumper from Grandma Robb & Marc!

She also likes to pose in her tiny chair....such a sweet beebs.



Anonymous said...

Cuteness! Love the legs. Sunshine is a priority for us too, lately. We need all the VitD help we can get! Hope you feel better soon...

Whittney said...

Thanks...slowly but surely.