Tuesday, August 18, 2009

12 Month Check-Up

Avery had a check-up with her Dr. on Friday. It was confirmed that she is perfect and the sweetest beebs that ever existed. She weighed 19.5 pounds and was 29 inches long.

I have noticed so many changes in her development in the last 3 weeks. Her vocabulary exploded. She says hello to the kitties, tells us when an airplane is flying over and waves her index finger at me when she gets sassy. She has a favorite book and can point out the kitty, mouse and bunny without a moment's hesitation. I can't believe my baby is capable of these things!

I am most excited about a sudden change in her sleeping habits. I was pleased with her waking only 1 0r 2 times a night, but about 3 days after her birthday, she stopped waking entirely and sleeps for 9 hours straight. Every night for the last 3 weeks has been heavenly!


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