Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Brothers

Praise the Lord! I found my camera charger and it's juicing up as I type. Stay tuned for fun house pictures, including my completed cabinets! In the meantime, let's do a Nick and Jake update.


He had an accident with a deer...

....that cut short the deer's life.

Otherwise, life is good and he occasionally poses for "cool guy" pictures to show off his new tattoo and short hair. I hope to see him wrestle in OKC in a few weeks in an official college match!


Duck posing with some bullets in Afghanistan.

Nick taking pictures of the terrain on a plane ride between bases.

Nick calls this wretched creature his friend.

His job...working on these tanks. He put the armor on this particular tank.

Get ready for an update on the other brother, little Sambo, next week. We're going for a visit this weekend!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still waiting on the little sambo updated pictures and story.