* We spent New Year’s weekend in Austin celebrating Christmas with Mom, Marc & Samuel. I made a little salad with Henry Boy on my back. It was really nice to have all my siblings in the same house for a weekend of hanging out.
* Barry said a couple of days ago that he was really starting to love our Boba. He raked the whole front yard, took Christmas lights down and organized the garage….all while Henry slept.
*Henry went down for a nap on his six month birthday without teeth and woke with a tooth! I haven’t been able to get a photo of that little tooth, but when I do, you’ll be the first to see it.
*My computer needs some work. The keyboard is sticky and needs to be replaced. That’ll teach me to drink soda while typing. All part of the divine plan to encourage me to kick that bad habit. And just yesterday, the scroll bars and menu tabs have a mind of their own and are uncontrollable. Perfect.
*I’m sketching blueprints for Henry’s first birthday and Avery’s third birthday. Only six months until the big month.
*Barry will likely start a second job at the end of February. We’re not looking forward to the hours, but we’re excited about accomplishing some goals.
*Henry fell off my bed again. This time I was asleep right next to him, so we had to kick him out of our bed. He is too mobile and agile. He crawled over two heavy chiropractic pillows! He naps fine in the crib but fights me at night after his first waking. When I give up and bring him to my bed, he curls up next to me and is out like a light. Sweet little man.
*Lounge time with Henry looks like this.
*Lounge time with Avery looks like this.
*This was a nap last week when I realized Henry might be ready to move out of our bed. He made one squeak and I immediately went in to get him. This is what I found. The kid is unstoppable.
*Christmas Eve photo shoot. Take 28. (Have you ever seen cuter kids?!)
*I am so happy with the thoughtful, entertaining and useful gifts we received this year for Christmas. Avery now owns the entire Melissa and Doug store. Favorites include: vacuum, fruit cutting set, pizza set, wooden groceries, assorted puzzles and a Toy Story sticker book. Henry Boy loves his teething giraffe. I scored big this year too with a fancy Vera Bradley wallet, Barnes and Noble gift card, kitchen rug, pretty cross necklace and cold, hard cash! It took Barry one day to spend his gift card on necessities at JCPenney. If you are the giver of any of the above gifts, be checking your mailbox for a little note. Preview below!
*I think I’ll start posting toy reviews soon. We have some favorites and some disappointments and I think you all need to know about them.
*Here is the “too good to pass up” photo from our Christmas photo shoot. Love this boy!
Happy Monday!
If Henry will really not cooperate with nighttime in his crib,you could put your mattress on the floor and up against a wall with pillows all around the perimeter on the floor and a bed rail on the other side.
Oh the things we do......or you could be like us and someone always stay in with him while he is sleeping (for naps and nighttime) and never see your husband or get anything done. Ridiculous.
Oh dear Kate, I have been lazy and give up quickly but I'm certain that I can get him in his crib at night soon. He is not nearly as strong-willed as his sister. I hope you will soon find out (insert smile) that it is impossible to always be with your second baby while they're sleeping because first baby must be attended!
Oh this post made me smile throughout!! Loved it!! So happy you love your boy soo much...I mean we knew you would love him but you really seem to enjoy him! =)
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