Friday, January 13, 2012

Christmas in Angel Fire {Part One}

We’ve always talked about doing Christmas in the mountains. This year we made it happen. We drove to Amarillo, spent the night and then drove another four miserable hours to Angel Fire. Henry was not happy about being strapped in his seat for a second day in a row, but Avery was so patient. She was such a big girl traveler. I hadn’t been in that area for years and I really can’t believe the beauty. Don’t get me wrong, I’m demanding a beach Christmas next time around, but the mountains are truly majestic. We arrived and investigated our lovely condos {Four Seasons Unit FSP-F was so cozy!}, did some sledding and got settled. Sadly, Jake had an unexpected conflict with wrestling and so did Nick’s girlfriend Natasha, so we were down by two.


Samuel sledding….and falling. Cracks me up!DSC08888DSC08890DSC08892DSC08893DSC08894DSC08895

A Mama-Henry crash. 




We race.


I win.DSC08925DSC08935DSC08948DSC08952DSC08956DSC08961DSC08973DSC08996DSC09013DSC09019

Stay tuned for Part 2!

As always, many thanks to our family photographer Marc!

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