Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Avery’s Kindergarten & Henry’s Preschool Curriculum {2013/2014}

The big day is approaching – we start official Kindergarten next Monday! We have chosen Sonlight as our core curriculum and Avery will also be attending a homeschool enrichment program at a local Christian school on Wednesdays. Here are the details:



History – Bible – Geography – Read-Alouds – Language Arts: Sonlight’s Core A – 4 Day Program


Supplemental Language Arts: Explode the Code’s Primer Set


Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting K

A Reason for Handwriting, Level K, Complete Homeschool Set

{I chose A Reason for Handwriting over the popular Handwriting without Tears because I prefer the traditional style of the letters and using a 3-line paper rather than the odd 2-line paper. Also, the copywork is always Scripture. Also, I simply find the HWT style to be weird and ugly. Anyone else? I might re-visit this with Henry though. He is left-handed. Click here to see sample of the writing style and tell me if you agree!}

Math: Horizon Kindergarten

Horizons Math Kindergarten:  Student Book: 1


Science: Nothing formal – Nature DVDs and whatever science books we have on the shelf. We added some Usborne Beginners books about chickens, frogs and sea creatures.

Field Trips: My goal is one a month but that might be pushing it. We have decided on the Dallas World Aquarium  and the Perot Museum for sure!

Homeschool Enrichment on Wednesdays: Avery is so excited about being able to have a “real” school experience once a week. She will attend a private school with other homeschooled children kindergarten through second grade once a week from 8:15-3:15. A long day for a little girl! I never thought I would participate in a program like this, but after meeting the teacher and students and touring the school, I was so pleased. She will start the day in a chapel service and have class periods: art - science lab - computer/typing - technology/Mac lab – music – library – PE and of course lunch. She will also participate in special events like Grandparents Day and See You at the Pole, etc. She is so excited and I’m giddy just thinking about her wearing the cute uniform!



Preschool Workbooks: Rod and Staff Preschool Activity Books

Set of 4 Preschool Activity Workbooks


Other: A big Playdoh kit with ABC cookie cutters and any of the million toys/activities we have in this house that will keep him busy. The experts {other homeschool moms} tell me he will learn along with Sister.


Wish us luck!


 photo whittneyhoylersig.png

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