Monday, February 4, 2008

16 Weeks.....and thumping.

Well, Barry is taking too long so it's me again. It seems that pregnancy has zapped my enthusiasm for all thing Internet. E-mail, blogging, forums, MySpace...........all have suffered. But I sense a return of energy in the last few days.

I just spent a nice weekend in Amarillo visiting my peeps and watching Jake wrestle. And if all goes as planned, he will rendezous again in 3 weeks in Austin for the state tournament. I also had the chance to browse some pictures that Marc took over Christmas. Which I will post here to make this very boring entry a bit more fun.

All is well with Ripley and he/she continues to grow healthily. We had an uneventful appointment with our midwife last Thursday where this kid once again protested the poking and prodding of my belly. This time I can feel the distinct thumps which now happen regularly throughout my day. I find it amusing and we've labeled our child "sensitive" like myself. As we approach the mid-way point of this pregnancy I'm asked frequently when we'll know the sex....and the answer is at the birth! There are too few genuine surprises in life and I love a good surprise.
I'll leave you with a few pictures and a promise that I'll bug Barry to hurry up with his guest blog. Oh, the one of me with my ears plugged was during a really intense game of Mad Gab. I dominated everyone!


Lesley said...

Awesome!! So excited to see a post--even if its not from Barry! Love the belly picture--grow Ripley, grow!!

Mandi said...

As always, you're looking great! Congrats on the uneventful visit - glad to see that Momma and Baby Rip are doing well!!