Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kitchen & "Name A Beebs" Contest

Do you see this little kitchen? I got it for free! On our way home from a trip to Whole Foods, we saw a Tuesday night yard sale close to our house. Of course I made Barry stop to investigate the kid items. They had this kitchen and the little desk that matches. It was very dirty because it was obviously an outdoor toy. The seller thought it was too dirty and "messed up" to sell so they just gave them both to us. The hose and a couple Magic Erasers and it is good as new and going in Avery's room. The microwave and oven even DING. So cute.

We visited a friend a few weeks ago and when she brought out the play dough I felt like a wretched mother because I had forgotten it even existed. We got some and she likes it.

Do you see my awesome new rug for the porch?
Love it too.

And last but not least, go check out my friend Heather's blog and help her name Beebs #2. There are a couple of gift certificates up for grabs to an Etsy shop!

For those of you who might miss the embedded link:

And while you're there, browse her other articles about good food and healthy living. She does the most thorough research on food I've ever seen!


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