Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday at the Movies - “It Takes His Breath Away!”

From the moment of Avery’s birth, I’ve been hearing about how a cold wind sucks the life right out of babies. “Whittney, it just take her breath away!” It is true. A cold wind in the face of a small beebs causes them to inhale and gasp. Sweet Henry had his first experience in Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains. Barry predicted that Grandma Robb would say “It takes his breath away!” within hours of our arrival. She did.

I discovered this week that I can take his breath away in the comfort of our own home.

Grandma Robb would have scolded me.


1 comment:

Mandi said...

He doesn't seem to mind! I was told that blowing in a kid's face just before dunking them is a great way to teach them to hold their breath under water. I tried this last summer with Noa in the pool. She didn't approve (but she held her breath!)