We took a walk at River Legacy park and Daddy took AV on the slide.
She thought it was pretty cool....
Avery has crossed into the land of big people food. While it may not seem like a big deal, I think it is a HUGE deal. Not only because my little baby is getting TOO BIG, but because Barry and I have the huge responsibility of feeding her properly. We decided to skip the traditional rice cereal in favor of veggies and fruit for her first tastes. I vow to shelter her from Poptarts, Fruity Pebbles, McDonald's and Coke for as long as humanly possible!
Avery shutters, puckers her lips and closes her eyes very dramatically with every bite.
Cade's favorite veggies were sweet potatoes and squash. She is getting so big.
We're right on the same page! Noa ate (I use the term loosely) avocado for dinner tonight. Soooo much fun! Avery has some righteous bed-head, btw.
I do believe Miss Avery is starting to get some Chubb going on...woo, hoo Avery---we love baby fat!!
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