Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Life in Bullets

*I have a broken thyroid – well, actually I have a broken, leaky gut {99% of you do too} which has led to Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroid disorder) and I’m trying to fix it. I’ve had some successes that usually end in a crash and burn failure, but I’ll keep trying. See the most important step is to stop eating all the things I’ve become fond of….all of it is crap that isn’t even real food. This bullet occupies a large portion of waking thoughts and I’m grumpy.

*Barry’s parents visited last month and we went on a date. Overnight! Our first night away from the kids EVER. Swanky hotel with rooftop pool and bar = just what we needed. Here we are sweating through our clothes while checking out the water gardens downtown {Fort Worth}. P.S. My mom made me buy those sunglasses and I think she made an error.


*Avery started gymnastics about a month ago and I cannot get a good picture. I can’t be on the gym floor and my wimpy camera doesn’t zoom too well. She is awesome and loves it and we make it a family event every week because everyone loves to watch her on the balance beam.

(on the end in her black skirted leotard)

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*She showers now like a big girl. With a shower cap.


*Barry visited the cornfields of his youth {Iowa} last week. We made him a banner.


*I needed a Mama’s Night Out after not having Barry home during the day for 21 days straight! So I bought a ticket to the Ranger’s Wild Card game. Yes, I went alone. And yes, it was lovely. Except for them losing and my fellow fans booing when they don’t get what the want. A bunch of toddler I tell you! Oh, me and the kiddos also did this to our car. Officially DORKS.


*Dinky is six months old now and she gets spanked all the time for her naughty behavior.


*Henry is the talking up a storm in full sentences these days. He can count to 10, knows my phone number by heart and has the sweetest Jesus Loves Me you’ve ever heard. He’s a fierce lover; his kisses and hugs usually hurt {think head-butt to the mouth or fingernail gouges to the neck}. We bought him his first hat so he could match Daddy. Best boy ever.

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*It’s time to register for the Mom Heart conference in February – such a breath of fresh air every year.

*When Henry sees an open field or “forest” he says “Hogs in there. ‘hoot them!”

*School is going really well and Avery is a model student! Having a dedicated space is exactly what I needed to stay on task and organized.

*Our first cold front made me feel like I should be puking and sharing a positive pregnancy test with you. But I’m not! Instead I’m planning a big vacation for me and Barry next summer WITHOUT kids, inside the womb or out!

*I forgot to officially say Happy Birthday to Barry on the blog. Happy 32 husband.


-Sister was running the camera on his big day-


*We have a lot of sibling love around here.


Happy fall everyone!


Lesley said...

LOVED this!!!!

Lesley said...

LOVED this!!

Mandi said...

I love your family! And I wanna go roll around in your grass...

Marc and Laura Rose said...

Girl, I miss you and your sweet kiddos! I am praying that next Friday is finally our day to get together - no kids getting sick, moms feeling terrible, or some other catastrophe :)